The Warped Woodturner (TWW) is a local artist traveling his artist's journey in a suburb of Springbrook, WI (pop. 536). TWW's creative calling is to use a wood lathe to make useless objects from locally-sequestered organic carbon for tourists to bring back to the city to give to people they had to buy something for but do not like that much. His target market is the senior citizens since their vision is not as good as it used to be so cannot see the defects as well. His marketing jingle is: “Bowls as simple as their creator”.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Who is HFEC?

With only 3.5 active followers of this blog (and two are missing) it was time for some audience research. We started with the .5 follower who occasionally visits the blog and leaves comments signed 'HFEC' . We asked Google who HFEC was and learned HFEC means High-Frequency Eddy Current.

According to Wikipedia "The term eddy current comes from analogous currents seen in water when dragging an oar breadthwise: localised areas of turbulence known as eddies give rise to persistent vortices." High frequency eddy currents are used in designing airplanes. So from what we can tell a HFEC has to do with stress testing in aeronautical engineering so we assume HFEC has an engineering background. We searched for pictures of HFEC on the Web and found the picture above (we don't think the pictures has anything to do with body parts) so we assume he lives in California since the picture came from UCLA. (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you guys are getting too good. hfec sez you're absolutely correct when you say an eddy is turbulence such as disturbing usually calm waters. it does exactly the same thing with air when he moves his guitar quickly thru the air while performing a favorite song. this was well documented back in the smoking days when the stage was literally smoke filled. keep working on it. hfec also must comment for you to 'live simply, love generously, care deeply, and speak kindly.' he also believes a good belly laugh is good for ones constitution.

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