Qouted from http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/04/15/school-superintendent-principal-confront-moms-over-jesus-lunch.html :
"Students at Middleton High School are permitted to eat lunch off campus. So go to McDonalds. Others go to Taco Bell. And some students eat at Fireman’s Park, a public park adjacent to the school campus. In 2014, a group of moms started what would become known as the “Jesus Lunch.” They would prepared home-cooked meals for their children and conclude the lunch with an inspirational Christian message.
Over the years, the “Jesus Lunch” grew into a massive weekly event — with nearly 500 kids voluntarily attending.
But the school district wants to shut down the gathering — and as evidenced by the video — they will do anything to make sure that eventually happens."
But it gets even better: “Many students have conveyed to us their concern about a group offering free food to incentivize participation in a religious event on campus,” he told News8000.com. “The result of which has a divisive impact on our learning community.”
The principal suggested that some students loathe the event so much they become hysterical.
“There are some students that when they know this day is coming, they will leave school early,” he told the news organization. “We have some students that staff will find sitting in the hallway crying.”
Comment: The very thought of something going on is traumatizing for kids even though they do not have to go. This is what the future generations are coming to?