The Warped Woodturner (TWW) is a local artist traveling his artist's journey in a suburb of Springbrook, WI (pop. 536). TWW's creative calling is to use a wood lathe to make useless objects from locally-sequestered organic carbon for tourists to bring back to the city to give to people they had to buy something for but do not like that much. His target market is the senior citizens since their vision is not as good as it used to be so cannot see the defects as well. His marketing jingle is: “Bowls as simple as their creator”.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hillary has a great idea

There Goes the Firewall: Hillary Clinton’s Response to BLM May Have Cost Her The Election

(intentionally put on the left side of the page)

Hillary wants to bring them to heel. A great idea for handing the black lives matter crowd. Now if one of the Republican candidates had said this....maybe the Clinton campaign can start handing out leashes at their events. 


Monday, February 22, 2016

Idea for the 4th of July Weekend menu at the cabin

Another reason to vote for Bernie

"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton's charge that corporate CEOs earn 300 times more than their workers isn't just wrong. It hides another very real wage gap: She earns more in just one speech than the average American CEO in a year."


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Beware of invasive species at the family cabin

Be sure to inspect any bowls of popcorn left around for invasive species. TWW was finishing up some left over popcorn and one piece of popcorn had a funny crunching sensation and a funny taste. It was an asian beatle looking for a warm place to hide.

Americans win the Birkie and Trumpf claims it was part of his campaign to make America great again

"Caitlin Gregg of Minneapolis, Minn. is the winner of the 2016 American Birkebeiner women's race. Gregg is the first woman to win the Birkie four times. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Mr. Pope - Tear down this wall

Ronald Reagan said something similar to the leader of Russia years back.  Donald Trump needs to do the same.  This is the Pope's wall to prevent illegal immigration into the state he lives in.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Great video on why liberal women can't find husbands

But then why do they need one?

see: or watch the video below.

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Garbin Monraine Foundation Pledge Week Donor Levels

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Weather at the cabin

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