The Warped Woodturner (TWW) is a local artist traveling his artist's journey in a suburb of Springbrook, WI (pop. 536). TWW's creative calling is to use a wood lathe to make useless objects from locally-sequestered organic carbon for tourists to bring back to the city to give to people they had to buy something for but do not like that much. His target market is the senior citizens since their vision is not as good as it used to be so cannot see the defects as well. His marketing jingle is: “Bowls as simple as their creator”.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Good thing he has some pensions

This is the first successful pea harvest in two years.  Last year something ate the peas off right at the ground and they died.   This year the peas got to have babies.   And then there is the writing career. TWW just calculated that his writing career has spanned 23 years and on the average he has made $7.71 per year writing.  The new computer just cost about $800.  Is this a 'go figure' moment? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now there tww...dont go counting using dollars and cents as your base line. ya gotta think of your internal satisfaction gained by doing the activities you choose to do. like me catching ahh.. like 40 winks in the hammock under the ash tree. that gives me internal satisfaction. ps i hope my ash tree does get the beetles. that would give it a kick in the ash.

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