The Warped Woodturner (TWW) is a local artist traveling his artist's journey in a suburb of Springbrook, WI (pop. 536). TWW's creative calling is to use a wood lathe to make useless objects from locally-sequestered organic carbon for tourists to bring back to the city to give to people they had to buy something for but do not like that much. His target market is the senior citizens since their vision is not as good as it used to be so cannot see the defects as well. His marketing jingle is: “Bowls as simple as their creator”.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Free trees

The Garbin Moraine Nursery division is having a clearance sale. We currently have one white spruce, two red pines and 14 white pine transplants free for the asking (note there is no handling charge but you must come and get them and follow all the rules on how much guests should bring when they visit). These beautiful trees were grown from seedlings in foam blocks and are now about 5 year old so they are well acclimated to the cold north country. Please leave comments if you want any so we can contact you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. & Mrs. Bubba from further North would like to enter a bid of nothing & stake there claim for the free trees & would also hope that the TWWT would hold them until Spring when it would be more conducive to relocate the for mentioned trees. Thanks in advance for doing your part to keep reforestation alive.
Sincerely the Bubba's

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