The Warped Woodturner (TWW) is a local artist traveling his artist's journey in a suburb of Springbrook, WI (pop. 536). TWW's creative calling is to use a wood lathe to make useless objects from locally-sequestered organic carbon for tourists to bring back to the city to give to people they had to buy something for but do not like that much. His target market is the senior citizens since their vision is not as good as it used to be so cannot see the defects as well. His marketing jingle is: “Bowls as simple as their creator”.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Widening the driveway creates political problems

We had the guy who made the hiking trail also widen the driveway. They tell us the fire crews will not come on land during a forest fire unless they have a place to turn around. Little did we know the implications of this move. It used to be we only had one choice. We drove down the center of the driveway. Now we have to choose center, left or right. When we choose the right side our left-leaning friends are not happy. When we choose the left side the right-leaning friends are not happy in turn. When we drive down the middle we get called wishy-washy or people like Rush Limbaugh call us people who cannot make up our minds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it seems as though moving to near isolation has given you more opportunity for conflict than living in your first ring r dale. it looks to hfec as though there is room in the turnabout to make one of those roundies you see in europe....or.....creating a boccie ball court. you could charge to play and make extra nickles and dimes. that would help you cope with getting nickle and dimed to death. hfec cant think any more.

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